The Politically Incorrect Jesus
Living Boldly in a Culture of Unbelief
Jesus. He is admired and ridiculed, embraced and rejected. If you want to provoke controversy and emotional discussion, just mention His name.
Jesus was inclusive when He welcomed all the weary and burdened to come to Him and experience the love of His Father. But He was not open-minded when it came to the truth. He stated that He was the truth. And this flies in the face of current politically correct thought.
In Politically Incorrect Jesus, Joe Battaglia exposes the intellectual dishonesty of political correctness and presents Jesus as the model for embracing a counter-cultural faith, which empowers us to be salt and light. Be bold and stand firm in your faith when the culture demands you stand down.
About the Book
Why call your book The Politically Incorrect Jesus? And along those lines, why does “Jesus” provoke extreme responses . . . and is this book trying to pick a fight?
Why did you write The Politically Incorrect Jesus, whom are you writing to, and what result are you looking for?
You obviously wrote The Politically Incorrect Jesus to say Christians are giving in to fear of political incorrectness. So let’s define terms: What is “political correctness” or “political incorrectness”? And why are the terms issues now, especially for Christians?
Political correctness, you say, is “intellectual suicide.” Please expand on why “going along with the social gatekeepers” is like putting a gun up to our intellect?
Is America in a culture war? And if yes, why should Christians care? Doesn’t the bible say our kingdom is not of this world?
What do you want readers to get from The Politically Incorrect Jesus?
How do you see people reading The Politically Incorrect Jesus or using it? For example, what about discussion groups? Bible studies? Or do you mean for it to read alone and in small doses?
What are people saying about The Politically Incorrect Jesus?
In The Politically Incorrect Jesus, what chapter is your favorite? Which one was most challenging to write? And which one evokes the most comments?
People are busy and Christians have a lot of books on their side tables. Why should anyone pick up and read The Politically Incorrect Jesus? And when someone recommends this book to someone else to read, how do you hope the book is described?
Book Details
ISBN 9781424549818
176 Pages